We need a raise not just a bonus

As faculty prepare for a one-day strike on April 27th, Chancellor Lamb sent out a “Status of Negotiations” memo to faculty, which the Union received after her memo was sent out, itself an Unfair Labor Practice. Since then we have been able to analyze her proposal and it is not what the Chancellor presented. 

Chancellor Lamb claims she is proposing 7.19% over 2 years + one time payments of 5.36% over the same 2 years.

Her actual proposal is the following:

Year 1

  • 2015/16 3.7% restoration + 1.02% COLA= 4.8%
  • 4.68% off-schedule, one-time payment

Year 2

  • 2016/17 COLA 0.47%
  • 4.68% off-schedule payment repeats

Year 3

  • nothing; admin now wants a two-year contract.

However, 2% of the off-schedule could continue if productivity or enrollment dramatically increase by Year 3. The probability of this happening is zero. What they are signaling here is that admin is preparing to again freeze salaries or reduce them in two years, after small one-time bonuses. If we do not struggle for on-schedule raises now, we will fall further behind than we already are.

After two years, faculty salaries will be 5.19% than they are now under the District proposal, or 1.5% above what they were in 2007-08 – then we will start negotiations over again from a salary schedule that has barely moved in a decade, in the middle of what admin is projecting to be a self-fulfilling enrollment crisis.

You can look at a detailed comparison of our proposal versus theirs.

The significant difference is that we are asking for more money on-schedule, the restoration of the frozen salary step, and a three-year contract.

Because we want to address the administration’s concern about possible loss in state stabilization funding in the third year, we are offering to re-open negotiations on the third year if and only if faculty salaries rise above our historical percentage of overall salary expenditures by 67.16%. Currently we are at approximately 62%, beneath the historical average.

Posted in E-news Archives, Negotiations, News

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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