GROW CCSF | Fort Mason | Admin shrinks CCSF | Step placement

(Thursday 3/23) Give public comment to our BOT: It’s time to GROW our CCSF!

We are calling for a moratorium on any further cuts to our College until the end of the Fall 2017 Semester.
Earlier this month we opened the conversation about class cuts with the new members of the CCSF Board of Trustees. And we will keep organizing until we win.
Join us in giving public comment to the CCSF Board of Trustees on Thursday 3/23 at 4pm on Ocean Campus in MUB 140. Tell them it’s time to stop class cuts at our City College: It’s time to grow! You can also help by RSVP and sharing.

Administration’s policy of cutting full-time faculty positions undermines enrollment

The number of faculty has fallen dramatically at City College, down from 1,740 in 2011, to 1,462 in Fall 2016. The number of full-time faculty is down by 229, from 823 to 594 during the same time period. However, in all of the recent discussion by administration or Board of Trustee members, this dramatic decline in full-time faculty and its potential impact on enrollment and program hasn’t even been acknowledged. The unwritten policy has simply been to replace as few full-time vacancies (from retirements or resignations) as possible to cut salary costs and class offerings. Read more…

Step placement for new hires

In our new contract, we won an improvement in step placement rules for anyone hired on or after Fall 2016. CCSF administration is now able to implement the changes, so new hires who qualify can receive back pay to the beginning of Fall semester 2016. If you were hired this academic year, you should receive a step placement letter from HR this week explaining the changes. Read more…

Fort Mason: Room for negotiations

On Monday we went to the public meeting with Chancellor Lamb at the Fort Mason Campus regarding the proposed closure of our art program at that location.

Testimony from Older Adult and Art students was passionate, often praising the high quality of their experience and arts training. “This is an absolutely beautiful place to work in. The light that comes in is remarkable. Artists need spaces like these to capture the transference of light.”

Loss of this campus would be detrimental to the arts programs and students. Many testified they are unable or unwilling to cross town to attend classes at the Mission or Ocean Campuses. At a moment when City College is open, and accredited and (soon) free, the District needs to envision enrollment growth, not further loss of facilities or students. Many volunteered to fundraise, donate and promote programs. “Use us!” one student declared. “But if you close this campus, you will never open here again.”

Back and forth claims between Administration and Fort Mason reps revealed communication and expectations are murky at best. Though both sides acknowledged a willingness to keep City College at Fort Mason and that there is room for negotiations. We will stay involved and keep you informed of developments.

A discussion of this topic is agendized for the March 23 BOT meeting.

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City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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