ARTICLE 20 - Compensation/Salaries

A. Compensation

1. 2009-2010, 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 Academic Years

1.1 In 1998, the Union and the District agreed to a pay formula which provided that bargaining unit wage rates would be increased by cost of living adjustments (COLA), if any, for community colleges contained within the adopted State budget for each academic year. The parties agree that it is a shared goal to pass on as much of new revenue as possible, including the State COLA, to be used for improving faculty compensation. At the same time, the parties acknowledge that due to the escalating costs of fringe benefits, including retiree health coverage, it may not be possible to increase bargaining unit wage rates by the full percentage rate of the COLA in each fiscal year. As reflected in the agreement on compensation for 2007-2008, AFT has acknowledged the District’s expressed interest in accounting for the following factors in a revised formula: consolidation of part-time positions into additional full time positions (beyond replacement hires); increasing costs to health insurance premiums; and costs associated with opening new facilities. The District also acknowledges AFT’s interest in considering other factors, including calculation of proportionate share, inclusion of full growth revenue, and inclusion of other revenues or other resources. The parties have committed to negotiating for a revised compensation formula in reopener negotiations and will continue to work collaboratively to address these interests, which may result in changes in the formula.

1.1.1 Effective Academic year 2009-2010, and subject to agreement by all District bargaining groups to a wage freeze for 2009-2010, the payment of salary steps per Article 20.C shall not be provided for the 2009-2010 academic year.

1.1.2 Bargaining unit members who retire from District service with an effective date on or between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010, and who would have been entitled to a salary step for the 2009-2010 academic year, shall receive a retroactive salary step increase. This retroactive salary step increase shall cover the period from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010, as appropriate.

1.1.3 It is not the intent of the parties to deprive those eligible for salary steps of the benefit of step increments in the future. As such, when new ongoing revenue becomes available, including a possible future State COLA, the parties are committed first to restoration of the lost salary increments, above other compensation priorities identified herein, and with the acknowledgement that this may affect the availability of ongoing revenues for allocation to an across-the-board increase.

1.1.4 Effective academic year 2009-2010, the District shall modify column placement for current, Child Development and Family Studies non-MA discipline full- and part-time faculty who would have been assessed under revised initial salary placement criteria pursuant to Article 20.B.2 as stipulated by the parties.

1.2 If, after adoption of the State budget, the State modifies any of the revenue the District receives, including the COLA and noncredit funds or the amount of COLA or noncredit funded by the State, the District shall increase or decrease pay rates by the appropriate percentage as soon as practicable. Before decreasing pay rates under this section, the District will determine in consultation with the Union whether any savings have been achieved or whether alternate revenue sources to offset the revenue deficit exist. In the event of overpayments to employees, the District shall, in equal installments over a six-month time period, recoup the amount overpaid.

2. Formula for Allocation of Unrestricted New Revenues Other Than State COLA

2.1 Definition: All references to revenues or expenditures are to unrestricted funds only. New revenues shall be defined as the net total of increases and/or decreases of the following unrestricted revenues received by the District:

  1. Lottery – to the extent allowable under California Proposition 20 (1999) after required set-asides for instructional materials and supplies
  2. Sales tax
  3. Interest earned on unrestricted revenue
  4. Prior year corrections (by definition, deemed one-time only)
  5. Fifty percent of State-authorized “growth” funding for enrollment increases (including Basic Skills)
  6. Fifty percent of non-resident tuition
  7. “Transfers in” from the designated reserve, unless the transfer is made: (1) in response to a decline in revenues that creates a deficit of revenue in the Unrestricted General Fund in relation to the continuance of the previous college program; or (2) to fund an increase in class sections in order to capture “growth” funding.
  8. Equalization
  9. Noncredit rate enhancement
  10. Other local and State Revenues.

2.2 In the event that the Union believes that other resources, including transfers into the Unrestricted General Fund, or other resources outside the Unrestricted General Fund should have been included for allocation by formula, it shall promptly raise its concerns to the District and the parties will negotiate in good faith, provided that impasse procedures shall not apply. If the parties have not reached agreement within 14 calendar days, either party has a right to initiate mediation. The parties shall jointly select a mediator. Failing mutual agreement on the mediator, the parties shall use the State Mediation and Conciliation Service. Mediation shall occur for a maximum of 30 days absent mutual agreement to extend the time. No other statutory impasse procedure shall apply.

2.3 In each fiscal year covered by this Agreement, the baseline will be determined by the District’s independent audit from the immediately prior fiscal year. In no event shall the excess amount of ending fund balance include funds already taken into account in Subsection 2.1 above.

2.3.1 Future changes in compensation will contain estimates of:

(1) The Union’s share of anticipated new ongoing revenue for the fiscal year;
(2) The Union’s share of revenue from the prior fiscal year’s one-time and ongoing sources that was not previously allocated;
(3) specified District costs; and
(4) the costs of the specified Union compensation items.

2.3.2 At the end of each fiscal year (or the beginning of the following fiscal year), the latest available financial data will be used to revise or update Exhibit P or Q to reflect:

2.3.3 Any changes to the Union’s share of the fiscal year revenues will still be subject to a final reconciliation based on audited data.

2.3.4 As the result of the application of 2.3.2 and 2.3.3, if the Union’s share is greater than the total of the fiscal year costs of the listed compensation improvements, the amount of ongoing and/or one-time revenues above the cost of the improvements will be available to be allocated consistent with Article 20.A.3, or other agreed upon uses.

2.3.5 As a result of the application of 2.3.2 and 2.3.3, if the Union’s share is less than the total fiscal year cost of the listed compensation improvements, then revenues that are part of the Union’s share of the next fiscal year’s revenues first will be allocated to cover the one-time and ongoing costs of these improvements.

2.4 Operation of Formula: In each fiscal year covered by this Agreement using the prior year’s audited expenditure and revenue figures (unrestricted) from the immediately prior fiscal year, the District shall determine the amount of “new revenue” available for distribution. The cost of salary-driven fringe benefits associated with the pass-through of any of the State COLA shall be charged against “new revenue” available for distribution. In each year, the District and Union shall reach agreement on:

2.4.1 How much of the new revenue is attributable to one-time sources and ongoing sources. (Revenue from one-time sources may only be allocated for one-time salary, workload or benefit changes and shall not be allocated to ongoing commitments unless (1) otherwise agreed to and (2) the parties reach agreement on how to sustain the level of expenditure); and

2.4.2 Allocation of new revenue to salary, workload or benefits changes (in the event that such allocations require modification of provisions of this Agreement, the parties shall reopen the Agreement for the sole purpose of making such mutually agreed-upon modifications).

2.4.3 Allocation of performance based revenue, in a manner that assures provision of the State-required performance and service levels. Continuation of expenditures funded with Partnership for Excellence funds is contingent on the continuation of the State funding mechanism. The continuation of such enhancements is not guaranteed against the loss of such funds.

2.5 Baseline

Audited figures from the District’s independent audit for 1999-2000 will be used to determine allocation percentages. Eighty percent (80%) of the new revenues shall be available for salary and benefit adjustments college-wide. AFT’s proportionate share of these available revenues shall be equal to its “proportionate share” of salary and benefit expenditures in 1999-2000 (67.19%). The parties shall jointly conduct an annual review in each fiscal year of the Agreement, to determine whether audited data justifies a change in the figure used for AFT’s proportionate share.

2.6 To determine AFT’s “proportionate share,” the academic salaries and benefits expenditures shall be divided by all salaries and benefits expenditures (State Budget and Accounting Manual Categories 1000, 2000 and 3000). “Academic salaries and benefit expenditures” attributable to AFT shall include salaries and benefits of academic department chairpersons and shall exclude salaries and benefits of categorically funded AFT bargaining unit members, administrators, the Chancellor, independent contractors, department chairperson stipends, classified employees and student workers.

3. Priorities for Allocation of Unrestricted New Revenues Other Than State COLA

3.1 The parties agree that priority items for negotiation of salary improvements using funds identified under the salary formula (section 2 above) during the term of this Agreement include the following (recognizing that, due to fiscal constraints, not all of these priorities may be achievable during the term of this Agreement): (a) an additional across-the-board salary increase; (b) additional employer contributions toward employee only, employee plus one, and employee plus family dependent health coverage; (c) partial or full establishment of (an) additional step(s) on the part-time pro-rata scales; (d) increasing to 100 percent the percentage of the pro-rata scales for temporary, part-time credit instructors, contingent on the District’s receipt of State Part-time Faculty Compensation Funding and/or other mutually agreeable sources of funding; (e) assessing and as appropriate increasing the value of certain salary columns (“F+”) on the existing full-time and pro-rata scale; (f) further modification of science lab load factors for defined science-related disciplines to address the unequal workload between lecture-lab and lecture class; (g) adopt initial salary step placement provisions for the pro-rata pay scales based on credit for prior teaching/work and related work experience.

3.1.1 The parties acknowledge that, in reference to item 3.1(f) above, considerable discussion has taken place regarding the comparability of load factors between classroom/lecture and laboratory instruction, particularly in the science-related disciplines, that this matter of inequity needs to be addressed incrementally over time, and that it is the intent of the parties to work towards that end. The parties further acknowledge that other inequities may exist within other departments and/or discipline areas. The parties shall establish a joint labor-management work group to identify specific areas of concerns and strategies for seeking redress.

3.2 In addition to the priorities in the preceding section, the parties have discussed the issues listed below and agree that they may be addressed in subsequent negotiations as appropriate, depending on funds available and the priorities identified and negotiated by the parties:

(a) add steps to overload pay scales; (b) increase pay for one-year sabbaticals; (c) District pick-up of SFERS employee contribution; (d) reimburse drug co-payments of part-timers; and (e) improvement of substitute pay rates.

3.3 In evaluating the foregoing items, the parties shall take into account the following:

3.3.1 Since 1994, the District and the Union have maintained a commitment to the principle of increasing salaries of District faculty members to above the median of Bay Area community college districts. In 1998, the District and Union agreed to the pay formula embodied in Article 20.A.2. It is the intent and desire of the parties that the pay formula will allow the District to maintain and enhance the standing of faculty salaries relative to Bay Ten community college districts;

3.3.2 In measuring the median, the parties agree to compare Bay Ten salary schedule columns/criteria to like salary schedule columns/criteria within the District. The parties further agree that the value and/or employee cost of medical benefits shall also be taken into account in defining compensation.

3.3.3 The provisions of the Education Code, including AB 420, which, among other items, calls for comprehensive study of part-time faculty employment issues and dedicates funds for improvement of part-time faculty employment conditions and study thereof, and new legislation which may provide heightened funding levels for faculty;

3.3.4 The parties recognize the importance of working toward the goal of increased state funding for further improvement of part-time employee pay, working conditions, and fringe benefits. The parties further recognize that working toward this goal will involve their mutual, cooperative efforts.

3.3.5 Within the limits of available resources, the District has been and remains a front-runner among California community colleges in improving part-time faculty terms of employment relative to their full-time counterparts with comparable duties, and has demonstrated its commitment by, among other matters, enhancing part-time faculty health benefits, improving pro rata pay (including “mirror” pro rata scales), implementing paid office hours, and affording opportunities for upgrading to full-time status.

3.3.6 As the percentage of pro-rata pay increases for part-time faculty with credit teaching assignments, there should be an assessment of (1) the existing load factors below that of one unit per instructional hour (1.0) within the credit mode and how those load multipliers should be factored into the calculation of credit pro-rata pay rates, and (2) the feasibility of such part-time faculty assuming a proportionate share of professional duties beyond classroom teaching;

3.3.7 District and the Union acknowledge the work of the Joint Committee as detailed in the Efficiency Committee Report of January 1991. The District and the Union affirm their commitment to further evaluate the Joint Committee's Recommendations with a particular emphasis on administrative efficiency, faculty loads and class size in light of median loads and class sizes of other Bay Ten community college districts;

3.3.8 The District and the Union affirm their commitment to analyzing and implementing ways to more efficiently use existing District resources, including the recommendations of the 1998 Fiscal Review Commission, to provide quality instruction and student services and to provide needed improvements in faculty compensation.

4. Contract and Regular Faculty and Full-time Temporary Faculty Annual Salary Schedules

4.1 Contract and Regular Faculty and Full-time Temporary Faculty shall be paid in accord with the Contract & Regular Faculty & Full-time Temporary Faculty Annual Salary Schedule Exhibit B (2007-2008).

4.2 Where possible, Salary Exhibits shall be included at the time this Agreement is printed and distributed. Where it is not possible, due to the operation of the above provisions, to include Salary Exhibits at the time this Agreement is printed and distributed, Salary Exhibits shall be included in an Amendment to this Agreement. Thereafter, the Amendment shall be distributed to management, supervisory and confidential employees by the District and to the Faculty by the Union.

5. Hourly Rates

5.1 Temporary, part-time faculty, including substitutes, and full-time faculty with overload (extra pay) assignments shall be paid in accord with the scales set forth in Exhibits C (2007-2008) through C-8 (2007-2008), as appropriate:

Credit Laboratory-Performance Instructional Pro Rata Mirror (Exhibit C (2007-2008))
Credit Lecture-Laboratory Instructional Pro Rata Mirror (Exhibit C-1 (2007-2008))
Credit Lecture-Laboratory Instructional Pro Rata Mirror, Science Related Disciplines Only (Exhibit C-1-1 (2007-2008))
Credit Lecture Instructional Pro Rata Mirror (Exhibit C-2 (2007-2008))
Credit Composition Instructional Pro Rata Mirror (Exhibit C-3 (2007-2008))
Noncredit Instructional Pro Rata Mirror (Exhibit C-4 (2007-2008))
Counselors and Librarians Pro Rata Mirror (Exhibit C-5 (2007-2008))
Credit and Noncredit Instructionally-related Pro Rata Mirror (Exhibit C-6 (2007-2008))
Overload Mirror (Exhibit C-7 (2007-2008))
Substitute Mirror (Exhibit C-8 (2007-2008))

Hourly rates shall be increased by application of the formulas set forth in the scales.

5.2 Where possible, Exhibits C (2007-2008) through C-8 (2007-2008) shall be included at the time this Agreement is printed and distributed. Where it is not possible, due to the operation of the above provisions, to include such Exhibits at the time this Agreement is printed and distributed, the Exhibits shall be included in an Amendment to this Agreement. Thereafter, the Amendment shall be distributed to management, supervisory and confidential employees by the District and to the Faculty by the Union.

6. Part-time Office Hours

6.1 Effective Spring semester 2004, the District will (1) pay part-time instructors teaching up to 20% of a full-time load in the credit program for up to four (4) office hours per semester, or (2) pay part-time instructors teaching 21 to 39% of a full-time load in the credit program for up to eight (8) office hours per semester, or (3) pay part-time instructors teaching 40% or more of a full-time load in the credit program for up to fifteen (15) office hours per semester. Credit part-time faculty shall be paid at the 86% Instructionally-Related pro-rata “mirror” rate on their regular step (Exhibit C-6 (2007-2008)) for the office hours. Faculty will provide written notice of their office hours in advance to their students and department chairs. To receive payment for the office hours, faculty shall indicate on a District form where and when the hour(s) were held. Credit part-time faculty shall not hold, nor receive compensation for, more than two (2) office hours in any one week of instruction during a semester. The District is ordinarily not able to provide offices or telephones; however, the office hours shall be held in reasonable proximity to the location of the faculty member’s classes. Office hours will be held on days when the faculty member is scheduled to teach, unless alternate days are approved in advance by management. Both the faculty member’s request and management’s advance approval must be in writing.

6.2 The District and the Union will develop intent language to explore the possibility of folding the benefits of this program into the credit pro-rata “mirror” scales.

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B. Initial Placement on the Salary Schedule

1. Column Placement for Disciplines Requiring a Master’s Degree

1.1 Effective 2004-2005, full-time faculty shall be placed on Columns F-G of the Contract and Regular Faculty and Full-Time Temporary Faculty Annual Salary Schedule, and temporary, part-time faculty shall be placed on the appropriate Pro Rata “Mirror” Scale(s), Ratings (Columns) F through G, in accordance with the following criteria. Step placement shall be in accordance with Section B.3, et seq. below.

  Column Criteria for Column Placement

1. 1 .1

Column F

Master's or equivalent (See footnote 1)

1. 1 .2

Column F Plus 15

Master's + 45 units subsequent to the date of the Bachelor's

1. 1 .3

Column F Plus 30

Master's + 60 units subsequent to the date of the Bachelor's

1. 1 .4

Column F Plus 45

Master's + 75 units subsequent to the date of the Bachelor's

1. 1 .5

Column G

Doctorate,* OR Master's + 90 units subsequent to the date of the Bachelor's

* A Doctor of Arts degree, Bachelor of Law, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Dental Science or Juris Doctor degree earned from an accredited institution subsequent to the Bachelor’s degree are equivalent to the earned doctorate.

1.1.6 The term “unit” is defined to include only the following:

1. 1 . 6 .1 Graduate courses as defined by the course numbering system of the granting institution.

1. 1 . 6 .2 Upper division courses as defined by the course numbering system of the granting institution. Courses designated as “post baccalaureate,” “professional” or “specialist” by the granting institution will be considered to be equivalent to upper division courses and subject to the limitations of Section 1.1.7 below. Continuing education courses (“CEU”) and courses for which no credit is granted shall not be credited for purposes of initial salary placement.

1. 1 . 7 The maximum number of upper division course units as defined in Subsection, above that may be credited for initial salary placement is 25 units.

1. 1 . 8 Documentation must consist of official transcripts mailed directly to the District by the granting institution. Each faculty member is solely responsible for requesting and arranging for the payment of the official transcript.

1. 1.9 All course units are to be from accredited institutions. Semester units are assumed for purposes of computing applicable course units. Quarter units shall be converted to semester units using established District formula. After all quarter units have been totaled and converted to semester units, partial unit totals shall be rounded to the closest whole number; .5 and above shall be counted as one (1).

1. 1.10 Graduate course units (defined in section above) determined to be appropriate for initial salary placement but insufficient in number to place the faculty member on the next column shall be considered to be vested units. Upper division course units (defined in section above) not exceeding 25 in total number (see section 1.1.7 above) and determined to be appropriate for initial salary placement but insufficient in number to place the faculty member on the next column shall be considered to be vested units. Vested units may be credited toward future column advancement.

1.1.11 Effective Spring 2005, courses that are identically numbered may be credited more than once when the course is graded and given credit each time completed, and (1) the content or learning objectives of the course vary despite a constant course number, or (2) the course repeated is required for a degree. Faculty members may be required to submit to the District’s Office of Human Resources proof of course, degree and/or program requirements in order to receive credit for courses repeated.

1. 2 Faculty deemed to have the equivalent of a Master’s Degree or faculty meeting the minimum qualifications by having obtained a valid California Community College Credential in lieu of the Master’s Degree in the discipline for which they are being hired shall be placed on Column F and shall not advance beyond Column F until such time as they obtain units subsequent to the date of the initial placement on Column F. However, faculty members who were or are enrolled in a doctoral program in the discipline for which they are hired but who were not or have not been granted a degree as part of that program may be placed on Columns F - G provided that they submit proof to the District’s Office of Human Resources of the following:

(1) that they were or are enrolled in a doctoral program; (2) the doctoral program requirements; and (3) the successfully completed requirements.

2. Column Placement for Disciplines Not Requiring a Master's Degree

2.1 Effective 2004-2005, full-time faculty shall be placed on Columns E-G of the Contract and Regular Faculty and Full-Time Temporary Faculty Annual Salary Schedule, and temporary, part-time faculty shall be 2.1 placed on the appropriate Pro Rata “Mirror” Scale(s), (Columns) F through G, in accordance with the following criteria. Step placement shall be in accordance with Section B.3 et seq. below.

  Column Criteria for Column Placement


Column E

Associate + 6 years experience, or Bachelor's + 2 years experience, or equivalent degree and/or experience. (See footnote 2)


Column F

Associate + 6 years experience or Bachelor's + 2 years experience, + 30 units subsequent to date of the Associate or Bachelor's


Column F Plus 15

Associate + 6 years experience or Bachelor's + 2 years experience, + 45 units subsequent to date of the Associate or Bachelor's


Column F Plus 30

Associate + 6 years experience + 60 units subsequent to date of the Associate + Bachelor's, OR
BA + 2 years experience + 60 units subsequent to date of the Bachelor's


Column F Plus 45

Associate + 6 years experience + 75 units subsequent to date of the Associate + Bachelor's, OR
Bachelor's + 2 years experience + 75 units subsequent to date of the Bachelor's


Column G

Associate + 6 years experience + 90 units subsequent to date of the Associate + Bache-lor's, OR
Bachelor's + 2 years experience + 90 units subsequent to date of the Bachelor's

2.1.7 Temporary, Part-time faculty deemed to have the equivalent of the minimum qualifications in the discipline for which they are being hired shall be placed on Column F of the appropriate pro rata mirror scale and shall not advance beyond Column F until such time as they obtain the requisite number of units subsequent to the date of the initial placement in Column F.

2.1.8 Full-time faculty deemed to have the equivalent of the minimum qualifications in the discipline for which they are being hired shall be placed on Column E and shall not advance beyond Column E until such time as they obtain the requisite number of units subsequent to the date of the initial placement on Column E.

2. 1 .9 The term “unit” is defined to include only the following:

2. 1 .9.1 Graduate courses as defined by the course numbering system of the granting institution.

2. 1 .9.2 Upper division courses as defined by the course numbering system of the granting institution. Courses designated as “post baccalaureate,” “professional,” or “specialist” by the granting institution will be considered to be equivalent to upper division courses. Continuing education courses (“CEU”) and courses for which no credit is granted shall not be credited for purposes of initial salary placement. Lower division courses as defined by the course numbering system of the granting institution.

2. 1 .10 The maximum number of Lower division course units as defined in Subsection, above that may be credited for initial salary placement is 30 units.

2. 1 .11 Documentation must consist of official transcripts mailed directly to the District by the granting institution. Each faculty member is solely responsible for requesting and arranging for the payment of the official transcript.

2. 1 .12 All course units are to be from accredited institutions. Semester units are assumed for purposes of computing applicable course units. Quarter units shall be converted to semester units using established District formula. After all quarter units have been totaled and converted to semester units, partial unit totals shall be rounded to the closest whole number; .5 and above shall be counted as one (1).

2. 1 .13 Units (defined in section 2.1.9 above) determined to be appropriate for initial salary placement but insufficient in number to place the faculty member on the next column shall be considered to be vested units. Lower division units (defined in section above) not exceeding 30 in total number (see section 2.1.10 above) and determined to be appropriate for initial salary placement but insufficient in number to place the faculty member on the next column shall be considered to be vested units. Vested units may be credited toward future column advancement.

2.1.14 Effective Spring 2005, courses that are identically numbered may be credited more than once when the course is graded and given credit each time completed, and (1) the content or learning objectives of the course vary despite a constant course number, or (2) the course repeated is required for a degree. Faculty members may be required to submit to the District’s Office of Human Resources proof of course, degree, and/or program requirements in order to receive credit for courses repeated.

3. Initial Step Placement for All Disciplines

3.1 Part-time faculty will be placed on Step 1 of the appropriate column on the appropriate pro rata mirror scale.

3.2 Retired District re-employed faculty, whether full-time or part-time retirees, shall be placed at Step 1 of the appropriate salary column except that retired re-employed faculty continue to receive the hourly or overload rate which they were receiving at the time of retirement, if higher than the rate of the Step at which they are placed. Retired District re-employed faculty shall be allowed to progress through the pro-rata salary schedules based on their semesters of service after retirement.

3.3 Full-time faculty shall be given one increment, up to a maximum of five increments, for each year of full-time service as a faculty member in an accredited educational institution outside of the San Francisco Community College District, or for full-time equivalent service within the San Francisco Community College District. Article 20.B.3.4.1 - 20.B.3.4.9, below, prescribe full-time equivalent service. No combination of such service shall exceed five increments on a one-year for one-increment basis.

3.3.1 An additional four (4) increments may be given on a one (1) year credit for each two (2) years additional full-time service as a faculty member in an accredited educational institution outside the District or for full-time equivalent service within the San Francisco Community College District.

Such four (4) increments may be given for such full-time related service in an accredited institution outside the District, or for full-time equivalent related service within the San Francisco Community College District; i.e., not as a member of the faculty. Such four (4) increments may be given on a one (1) year credit for each two (2) years additional full-time work in a business, occupation, or field directly related to the position for which a faculty member is hired. Determination of "relatedness" shall be made by the Director, Human Resources Department, or his/her designee. Accrued increments for 20.B.3.3.1 and 20.B. will be limited to a maximum of four increments.

3.3.2 For full-time faculty employed in non-MA disciplines, experience used to meet minimum qualifications shall not be applied to step placement.

3.3.3 Effective Spring 2005, concurrent credit will be granted for full-time equivalent service within the San Francisco Community College District pursuant to Sections 3.3 and 3.3.1 above and for full-time work in a business, occupation, or field directly related to the position for which a faculty member is hired pursuant to Section above, provided that no combination of creditable service shall exceed the maximum increments set forth in Sections 3.3 (five increments) and (four increments) above.

3.4 In-District Part-Time Service Credit – Faculty who have previously worked in this District as part-time academic employees shall have such experience counted subject to the following:

3.4.1 There shall be no credit given where the employee's inside and outside District service exceeds nine (9) increments in placement for experience.

3.4.2 For all counselor and librarian assignments, one thousand fifty (1050) hours shall be the equivalent of one (1) year full-time experience. Any additional time accrued beyond 1050 hours will not be carried over into the following year.

3.4.3 For credit instructional assignments, five hundred twenty-five (525) hours shall be the equivalent of one (1) year full-time experience. Any additional time accrued beyond 525 hours will not be carried over into the following year.

3.4.4 For noncredit instructional assignments, eight hundred seventy-five (875) hours shall be the equivalent of one (1) year full-time experience. Any additional time accrued beyond 875 hours will not be carried over into the following year.

3.4.5 For instructionally-related assignments, one thousand two hundred twenty-five (1225) hours shall be the equivalent of one (1) year full-time service. Any additional time above 1225 hours will not be carried over into the following year.

3.4.6 All hours of service are for service in the academic year only.

3.4.7 Portions of service less than one (1) full year will not be counted.

3.4.8 Experience as a one-semester long-term substitute, or as a long-term substitute in two different academic years shall count as part-time hours.

3.4.9 Notwithstanding any other provision within this contract, Section 20.B.3.4 and all subsections thereof shall not be retroactively applied to any faculty member presently employed full-time within the District. Section 20.B.3.4 and all subsections shall be applied only to those employees who become full-time, initially, in the Fall semester, 1990, and thereafter.

3.5 A faculty member who believes that his/her initial salary placement is not accurate, must notify the Director of Human Resources in writing of his/her concerns and suggested revisions within twenty (20) calendar days from the date that the “Faculty Salary Schedule: Initial Placement Form” is mailed. It is the faculty member’s responsibility to have all required salary placement documents sent or personally delivered to the Human Resources Department and addressed to the Director of Human Resources. Adjustments will be made in the salary placement, if within sixty (60) days from the date the Director of Human Resources signed the Faculty Salary Schedule: Initial Placement Form the Human Resources Department receives further documentation supporting modification of the initial salary placement. If the Director of Human Resources denies the faculty members request for modification of the initial salary placement the matter will be referred to the appropriate Vice Chancellor for a final written determination.

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C. Salary Step Movement for All Faculty

1. Full-time Faculty

The payment of an annual salary step shall be provided subject to the following limitations:

1.1 The full-time faculty member must have served a complete academic year. An academic year for salary purposes shall be service of 75% or more of the hours/load required for a full-time assignment in an academic year.

2. Part-time Faculty

2.1 For purposes of determining part-time hourly steps:

2.1.1 A semester shall be counted where the individual serves at least 75% of the service days required in a full semester within that assignment. Effective Fall 2009, where a part-time unit member is assigned for less than 75% of the service days required in a full semester but where the assigned workload is comparable or equivalent to the workload for a semester-long course or courses, a semester may be counted for purposes of part-time step advancement on a case-by-case basis. The administration, or the Union on behalf of an employee, may request an exception. Requests shall be processed through the consultation process. Any exception granted shall be documented and provided to the Human Resources Department and the Payroll Services Department.

2.1.2 Part-time faculty shall earn a step on the first day of his or her fifth, ninth, thirteenth, seventeenth, twenty-first, twenty-fifth, twenty-ninth, thirty-third, thirty-seventh, forty-first and forty-fifth semester of service.

2.1.3 Effective Academic Year 2000-2001, a break in service shall be defined as absence for a period of more than four consecutive semesters (a one-month grace period shall be given). For purposes of this section, following such break in service, the employee shall revert to third semester status provided he/she had attained at least that status prior to the break in service.

D. Salary Column Movement in All Disciplines – Both Those Requiring and Not Requiring the Master's Degree

After initial placement on the Full-time Salary Schedule (Exhibit B) or on the Pro-rata Mirror Scales (Exhibits C - C7), faculty shall advance to higher salary columns by satisfying the academic unit (course work) and degree requirements for each salary column (see Section 20.B) within each discipline area.

1. The term “unit” is defined to include only the following:

1.1 Graduate courses as defined by the course numbering system of the granting institution. Graduate courses do not require pre-approval by the appropriate Vice Chancellor.

1.2 Undergraduate courses as defined by the course numbering system of the granting institution. Undergraduate courses require pre-approval by the appropriate Vice Chancellor. See Section 3, below. Consistent with Article 20.B, courses designated as “post baccalaureate,” “professional” or “specialist” by the granting institution will be considered to be equivalent to upper division courses and therefore also require pre-approval from the appropriate Vice Chancellor. Continuing education courses (“CEU”) and courses for which no credit is granted shall not be credited for purposes of salary column movement.

1.3 Undergraduate units from approved sabbatical leaves and pre-approved in-service courses or workshops.

2. For movement from Column E to F only for faculty in disciplines not requiring the Master’s Degree, credit will be given for pre-approved in-service courses or workshops offered by the San Francisco Community College District, or industry-sponsored seminars. If approved in advance, these courses or workshops shall receive one unit credit for each 16 hours of attendance and an outside study assignment. Or, if there is no outside study assignment, one unit shall be credited for each 32 hours of attendance.

3. To be credited for column movement purposes (except for courses specified under the Professional Development Plan, Exhibit L), the pre-approval form must be submitted to the appropriate dean of the college. While it is preferable to file the form with the dean well in advance of the course start date, the form must be filed in the Vice Chancellor’s office no later than the last day to add a class, as defined by the institution offering the course. In making his/her determination the Vice Chancellor will consider whether the course(s) is (are) relevant to the faculty member’s discipline, assignment, skills or the faculty member’s professional responsibilities. There will be no retroactive approval of undergraduate units already earned.

4.Professional Development Plan:* Effective Fall 2004, faculty have the option to develop a long-term Professional Development Plan, described in Exhibit L. Undergraduate course units identified pursuant to such a plan are subject to a pre-approval process separate from 20.D.2. and 20.D.3. CEU units, courses, seminars or workshops approved as part of an overall Professional Development Plan may be used for movement to all columns and are not subject to the restrictions of 20.D.1 – 20.D.4. See Exhibit L for details.

* The parties shall evaluate the program in EXHIBIT L in Fall 2008. Unless the parties evaluate and expressly extend or modify the program by the last day of Fall Semester 2008, it shall “sunset” at that time.

5. In order to be credited, documented units and degrees shall not have been previously used for salary placement or column movement, and documentation must be received by the District’s Human Resources office by November 30 to affect salary placement for that current academic year.

6. Documentation must consist of official transcripts mailed directly to the District by the granting institution. Each faculty member is solely responsible for requesting and arranging for the payment of the official transcript.

7. All course units are to be from accredited institutions. Semester units are assumed for purposes of computing applicable course units. Quarter units shall be converted to semester units using established District formula. After all quarter units have been totaled and converted to semester units, partial unit totals shall be rounded to the closest whole number; .5 and above shall be counted as one (1).

8. Units determined to be appropriate for column advancement but insufficient in number to advance a faculty member to the next column shall be considered to be vested units. Vested units (including “grand-parented” units under the 2000-2003 CBA) may be credited toward future column advancement.

9. Effective Spring 2005, courses that are identically numbered may be credited more than once when the course is graded and given credit each time completed, and (1) the content or learning objectives of the course vary despite a constant course number, or (2) the course repeated is required for a degree. Faculty members may be required to submit to the District’s Office of Human Resources proof of course, degree and/or program requirements in order to receive credit for courses repeated.

E. Personal Automobile – Reimbursement

The District shall reimburse an employee for advance authorized use of his/her personal automobile on matters of official District business at the rate paid by the State of California to its employees. Such requests must be submitted on the proper District forms and in a timely manner.

F. Parking Reimbursement

1. Downtown Campus & St. Mary’s site. During the term of this Agreement, the parties shall continue the process to partially reimburse parking expenses for faculty assigned to the Downtown Campus and the St. Mary’s site, consistent with the parties’ allocation of formula dollars for this purpose.

2. Fort Mason site. Effective Fall semester 2006, the District shall partially reimburse parking expenses, utilizing a process similar to the process established for the Downtown Campus and the St. Mary’s site, for faculty assigned to the Fort Mason site. Faculty members may request reimbursement for up to one half (1/2) of the cost of daily passes and/or a monthly parking pass. For those faculty members who are assigned to teach a weekend class at Fort Mason, they may request reimbursement for up to one half (1/2) of the cost of a monthly pass that includes a guaranteed, designated spot.

3. Mission Campus. Effective Fall Semester 2007 the parties shall partially reimburse parking expenses for faculty assigned to the Mission Campus, consistent with the parties’ allocation of formula dollars for this purpose.

G. Extra Coaching Assignments – Compensation for extra assignments in coaching shall be according to past practice except:

1. An additional fifteen hours per week per coach will be granted to the coaching staff involved where post-season playoffs, finals, tournaments, or State playoffs are scheduled due to team performance.

H. SFERS Retirement Pickup

Effective Academic Year 2001-2002 and through the term of this Agreement only, the District has agreed to pick up four percent (4%) of eligible unit members contribution costs to the San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System (SFERS). Eligible unit members are those unit members who are enrolled in SFERS. This provision is not applicable to unit members enrolled in the State Teachers Retirement System. The Union, on behalf of eligible unit members, elects to have unit members’ retirement contributions to SFERS deducted on a full pre-tax basis.

I. Electronic Payroll

The Union and the District agree to work cooperatively to transition from a paper payroll to electronic payroll. During Fall 2006, the parties will develop a timeline for this transition. The parties will jointly develop related training to assist employees with the transition, including identification of suitable alternatives where necessary.

J. Fingerprinting

1. New members of the bargaining unit shall not be required to submit personal checks or money orders to the District to cover fees assessed by the State Department of Justice in connection with fingerprints for purposes of criminal background checks.

2. New members of the bargaining unit shall continue to be responsible for payment of the fees assessed by various agencies that perform the Live Scan fingerprint process.

3. The Union and the District shall share equally the cost associated with the waiver of fees assessed by the State Department of Justice.

K. Photo Identification Cards

Effective Spring 2009, faculty shall be provided with photo identification cards upon request and in accord with the procedure established by the parties. The parties shall review this program over the term of the Agreement and pledge to work cooperatively regarding any issues that may arise.

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1 By practice, the Equivalency Committee may approve an equivalent to the Master’s degree as part of the hiring process. Committee determinations of equivalency are not subject to the grievance procedure.

2 By practice, as part of the faculty hiring process, the Equivalency Committee determines equivalency. Committee determinations of equivalency are not subject to the grievance procedure.