Join California Educators Rising’s Adopt-A-Striking-School Effort for Oakland Education Association!

Email with any questions.

California is 1st in the nation in wealth, 43rd in per pupil funding. Oakland Unified School District has been historically under resourced and mismanaged. Now, Oakland Education Association members are fighting back. But going on strike is hard work! OEA members are fighting for racial justice and the schools their students deserve, but they are risking a loss of pay to do so.

As supporters outside of Oakland we can materially and emotionally support our union siblings as they take this significant step forward for several thousand union members and 49,000 students. UTLA’s six day strike showed how strong internal organizing and partnerships with community can bring real wins to schools and communities in California, but there is still much to be done. Adopt-a-Striking-School help builds the rank and file educator connections across locals that will lead to a statewide network fighting for fully and progressively funded public education in California.

Adopt-A-Striking-School is an effort to support striking OEA members and build connections between rank and file members of unions across California, and potentially the nation. Members of OEA sign up their school, and educators outside of Oakland sign up to support. California Educator Rising matches schools up (or adopting schools can request a specific school to adopt). The next step is for the adopting school contact to reach out to the OEA contact person, and ask what kind of support they would like. Below are some ideas.

Sign up here:

  1. If you are an OEA member, sign up your school to receive support!
    If you are a school-based worker outside OEA, sign up to adopt an OEA striking school!
  2. Fundraise/pass the hat at your union meetings, or your school’s day of actions.
    Funds can be used for:
    Providing lunch to students who aren’t crossing the picket line
    B. Supplies for strike activities
    C. Sending coffee, donuts, bullhorns, drums (whatever is needed!) to teachers on the picket line
  3. Email/text each other, learn about each other’s struggles and write signs directly to the other school for your #RedForEd day of actions. Share photos from your adopted school with your own staff to build solidarity at your site and share the love for Oakland!
  4. Teach your students about the UTLA and OEA strikes and set up a penpal system to another teachers’ classroom: Curriculum Guide
  5. During your schools’ union meetings, write notes of support to your adopted school and post on social media or share directly
  6. Become friends on social media, tag each other in your #RedForEd posts, “we stand with you”
  7. Send your family members and friends to the picket lines to provide direct in-person support.
  8. Depending on your school hours and location organize a time to join the picket yourselves!
  9. Collect supplies for each others’ classrooms or strike school activities
Posted in Events, Solidarity

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