FSA applications | Defend PT medical coverage | Help USF PT faculty

FSA applications for FT Faculty due Feb 15th

It looks like David Martin intends to issue March 15th layoff notices to FT faculty. As we reported previously, there is no budgetary need to do so. But he seems intent on downsizing.

Here are three ways you can prepare and participate in your union’s plan to win. These are just the first steps in an escalating series of actions needed to win:

  1. Apply for additional FSAs on the CCSF Employee Services website (more on this below)​

  2. Contact your precinct rep to add your name to a Valentines ‘No Layoffs/Don’t Break the Heartbeat of City College’ Card to the Trustees

  3. Sign up now to join the contingent who will deliver these cards to the Trustees by replying ‘yes’ to this email

Tenured and tenure-track faculty work in defined “service areas”. This is the legal structure for layoffs, intended to make the process as fair as possible and avoid favoritism. It is in your interest to apply for multiple FSAs – being qualified in more areas can protect you.

But the District hasn’t made it easy. They have failed to post an updated list of which FSAs faculty have currently, which makes it hard to figure out which additional FSAs you may need. The best resource we currently have is last year’s FSA list. It does not reflect the FSAs faculty applied for last year, or the work the college has done to update the requirements for FSAs to match the current state definitions.

FSA applications are due by Feb 15th. Time is running out. In the absence of real information, we advise FT faculty to simply apply for every FSA you think you can. You can assume CCSF already knows you have the FSA for your current and recent assignments, but you could be qualified for other FSAs as well. The state’s Minimum Qualifications page has a link to the most current Handbook with the disciplines listed. Take a look and see where you’re qualified.

— Learn more about FSAs and Seniority here.

Action alert: Medical coverage for PT faculty

CFT is coordinating a state-wide campaign to win affordable, quality healthcare for adjunct faculty. And it’s working. As a result of letters from over 1,400 members, Governor Newsom allocated $200 million in his January 10 state budget proposal to fund healthcare for part-time faculty on an ongoing basis.

We have to keep up the momentum to ensure the funds remain in the state budget, and to improve the system so faculty actually get coverage. Among other things, CFT is advocating something CCSF faculty have been talking about for many years – a system that would pool our hours between colleges so that faculty who work at multiple schools could be eligible for benefits. This is especially timely now that the California legislature has once again failed to move forward with a single-payer system.

Right now, we asking members to speak up in two ways:

  1. Send a letter to key legislators about this issue, and share the link. This is different from last month’s letter: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/tell-the-state-legislature-quality-affordable-healthcare-for-all-part-time-faculty
  2. Attend a (virtual) budget hearing in the state legislature and speak for one minute about why part-time faculty need healthcare: 2/14 (time TBD), and 2/16 at 9AM

–CFT will help you develop your testimony. They are holding three trainings the week prior (2/8 @ 4PM, 2/9 @ 4PM, or 2/11 @ 1PM)

–RSVP at: https://bit.ly/pthealthcarehearing

Join us in taking action to fund faculty healthcare!

Tell USF President Fitzgerald and Provost Oparah to send their team back to the table with part-time faculty!

The University of San Francisco’s Part Time Faculty Association needs your help.

After months of stonewalling, the USF administration has walked away from negotiations, forcing USF part-time faculty to file an Unfair Labor Practices claim with the National Labor Relations Board.

PTFA has been in contract negotiations with the USF administration since July 2021. Management began by demanding $600,000 in salary and benefit reductions, ostensibly because of financial damage USF suffered in the pandemic.

In fact, as they have known for months, USF was actually expecting an operating surplus of more than $26 million in 2021. The administration only took their demand for give-backs off the table two days before President Paul Fitzgerald announced that many USF employees — including all of upper management — would be receiving 5% salary bonuses.

Because USF part-time faculty 2019 collective bargaining agreement provided for (much smaller) salary increases, PTFA members did not receive these one-time payments. And management continues to reject their extremely modest proposal for a 2% salary increase per year over the next two years. With inflation running above 7% per year, their proposed pay freeze is really an even larger pay cut for the more than 600 people who teach close to half the classes at USF.

Please send a message to President Paul Fitzgerald and Provost Chinyere Oparah!

Ask them to do the right thing for part-time faculty at USF. Ask them to send their team back to the table and negotiate a fair contract!

Click here to take action!

Posted in E-news Archives

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

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Email: aft@aft2121.org.
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