Elections: GOTV tomorrow | Janus | Chris Hanzo’s retirement party

We need your help

AFT 2121 is working with SF Tenants and Families again this election season for Jane Kim, Mark Leno, Prop C (for childcare), Prop F (legal representation for those being evicted), and Prop G (to give pre-K-12 teachers a raise).

What: Phone banking our fellow AFT 2121 faculty to get out the vote
Where: Local 2, 243 Golden Gate Ave.
When: Anytime between now and the end of day on Election Day (6/5) shifts are 10am-1pm, 1pm-4pm, 4pm-8pm

Even if you don’t live in San Francisco, who the Mayor is will influence our CCSF’s issues (like the Free City Program) for years to come. Your help will be critical. So far, less than 20% of SF voters have voted which means with the very close race every vote matters even more!

We need your help if you can give it as a volunteer. Please let organizer Athena Waid know at 406-531-0503

If you would prefer to volunteer directly for a candidate:

RSVP to join the Jane Kim for Mayor campaign to join the resistance and ensure the people’s voice will determine the future of San Francisco.

RSVP to join the Mark Leno for Mayor campaign and we address the affordability crisis and make sure San Francisco retains its vibrancy.

Retirement and End-of-Year Picnic

fun in the sunJoin us for an opportunity to reflect on our good work and successes of Spring 2018: students’ achievements, opportunity and enrollment growth through FREE City, a victorious contract campaign, strengthening of our union. The semester’s end also brings closure for Chris Hanzo, our Executive Director for many years, who will be retiring at the end of June. AFT 2121 will celebrate his retirement in combination with our union end-of-year party by hosting a big picnic in the park. We hope you, your family, and friends will join the fun! Sunday, June 10 (11am-3pm) in Gloden Gate Park, Lindley Meadow, spaces #1-4.

There will be free food provided by a local taco truck. If you are able, please bring a chair for yourself and a side or desert to share.

Sun., June 10, noon-4pm. Golden Gate Park’s Lindley Meadow (1054 John F Kennedy Dr, San Francisco, CA 94121), picnic tables 1-4.

Here’s a map showing were the meadow is located in the park.
Here’s a satellite photo showing the picnic site locations.

Finally, here are some directions:

1) Take Fulton St. to 30th Ave
2) Drive south into the park on 30th Ave.
3) 30th dead-ends at JFK Drive right at Lindley Meadow. Turn left onto JFK and park at the first spot you find.
4) Tables 1-4 are at the far East end of the meadow.

Janus vs. AFSCME decision is coming soon

Last fall we started a membership campaign in preparation for the expected Janus vs AFSCME Supreme Court decision. Since August 2017 we have added 161 new members and grown our union to 88% membership. This is the highest in our union’s history! A decision on the Janus case will happen in the next few weeks. What this decision is likely to mean is that we will not be able to collect agency fees from non-members for the cost of representation, weakening our union’s capacity.

In the coming weeks after Janus is decided be prepared to receive a letter from union-busters urging you to drop your union membership.

Simply put: MEMBERSHIP = COLLECTIVE POWER = BARGAINING POWER! Do not give it away. We have won so much together. Now more than ever we must remain united and committed to each other to ensure that we continue to defend our beloved City College and to win fair contracts at the negotiating table.

If you haven’t already done so please recommit to our union by filling out an new AFT 2121 Membership Form.

Contact AFT 2121 at 415-585-2121 or visit us online at aft2121.org. Follow us on Facebook.
To update your email address, please let us know at aft@aft2121.org.

Please post, distribute, and otherwise share this information
with interested colleagues who may not be receiving emails.

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Posted in E-news Archives, Elections, Events, News

City College’s Budget: AFT’s Authoritative Analysis

See AFT’s full Budget Analysis Here for an understanding of City College’s current and future finances, including the impact of the Hold Harmless fiscal freeze in 2024-25.

2023 Contract Toolkit

Spring 2024 AFT 2121 Bulletin

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Contact us

Phone: 415-585-2121
Email: aft@aft2121.org.
Address: P.O. Box 591595, San Francisco, CA 94159-1595